I was having a bad dream in the middle of the night when my 3 year old son woke me up screaming, “No, Daddy.” We were sleeping forehead to forehead as usual. I assumed that I had woken him up by screaming or flinching in my dream, but I quickly realized that he was still sleeping. “No, Daddy, no,” he mumbled.
At 6 am the next morning, I awoke before my son, and laying in bed, I recounted an argument I had the day before with my step-father. I was thinking about talking to my brother and sister-in-law to get them on my side to see what they thought, when my son cried out, “No, Daddy, no.” Again, he was still asleep.
After I snuck out of the bedroom, I checked my blog for comments. Alia from 13th Paradigm had commented on a comment I made on heartflow2013′s inspiring post Israel and Iran: A love story? B4Peace.
“Each person who writes a post, sends their energy of peace into the Quantum Field. The energy travels omni-directionally, eternally, forever. It touches everyone it encounters and impacts all peacefully. Now, multiply this effect by every reader that reads the piece. Then further multiply that by the energy that those readers carry into their world.”
It is not just words that send energy into the Quantum Field, but thoughts as well. I like to think that my son was picking up on the negative energy from my thoughts and telling me to stop. Like a little ninja, he lies “asleep” waiting for his chance to take out any negative energy that might come between us.
We need to be extremely cautious around children since they are so sensitive to energy. The actions we demonstrate, the words we use, and even the thoughts we think will impact how they see and feel about the world.
In fact, we need to be aware of our thoughts at all times because even if we hold our bitter tongues, we are still sending out negative vibrations that resonate “omni-directionally, eternally, forever.”
While picking up my older son from school, I caught myself more than 10 times thinking negative thoughts–”Don’t these people know how to drive?”; “These lazy bums who just cue up in front of the school in their cars probably live less than a block away”; “Look at all this litter. Who raised these kids?”
Knowing the power of thoughts, I quickly started thinking, “light and love; light and love; light and love.” Everything changed around me. People started smiling. My son started singing “The hills are alive with the Sound of Music.” Birds sang along. Well, the birds might have been chirping before; I just didn’t hear them.
“The positive frequency of your energy emanates out like the ripple from a stone thrown into water, touching your planet and every living thing on it.”–Rhonda Byrne
Sitting in my office writing this post, I’m thinking “Light and Love.” Can you feel it?
Thank you for reading, sharing, and/or smiling.
What are you thoughts on the power of thoughts? Please share.
While composing this post, I got a pingback from Tracie Louise Photography. Her post for peace expressed everything I was trying to say with less words and brilliant photographs. Click here: http://tracielouisephotography.net/2013/02/12/stand-up-for-peace
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- Israel and Iran: A love story? B4Peace (professionsforpeace.com)
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