A few months ago, my wife woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I had been up early getting the kids ready, so when she started criticizing me about how I was handling the morning chores, I lost it. After storming out of the house with my two sons, I almost threw my son’s lunch at a car that cut us off in the crosswalk. The whole day was full of conflict, frustration, and bad energy.
Reading my favorite bloggers later that evening, I realized that I was not a very good example of a Blogger for Peace. It hit me then that without peace in the home, we cannot have peace in the world.

This photo is old, but it represents how I feel right now.
I vowed from that point forward to make peace in my home my number one priority. My wife and I still have arguments. My sons still get on my nerves. But after these setbacks, I focus on how to create more peace in our lives.
A few weeks later, two different friends asked me for marriage advice because they noticed a change in my relationship. Soon a number of different acquaintances began to question me about my “secret” to a loving marriage.
After hours of writing and meditation, I realized that my life-long study and practice in mindfulness, cultivating compassion, and gender politics makes me a very effective relationship coach especially for men.
So for the Monthly Peace Challenge: Peace at Home, I did not write a post. Instead I made a website. Welcome to PeaceinMarriage.com. My contribution to world peace is to bring peace into as many homes as I can.
I have to thank Rarasaur for being my web designer. If you want someone to help you create, hone, and spread your vision, hire Rarasaur. Her knowledge of web sites, wordpress, social media, and business is just as, if not more impressive than her blog. She will also nearly kill herself to satisfy your requests. Having said that, please do not ask Rarasaur to do any web designing for free. She is a professional who deserves to be paid. She will give you way more than you paid for.
Feel free to go over to PeaceinMarriage.com to check out Rarasaur’s amazing handiwork. Also, you guys are my friends, so I want some honest constructive criticism about any aspects of this new undertaking. If my zipper is down or I have a huge boogie in my nose (figuratively speaking), please let me know.
Thank you for reading, sharing, and/or smiling.
What do you think of relationship coaches? Please share.
Related articles
- Crashing the Peace Train (everydaygurus.com)
- Monthly Peace Challenge: Peace at Home (thisismycorn.wordpress.com)
- Busy, Busy Bee – ing (everydaygurus.com)
- Monthly Peace Challenge: Peace at Home (everydaygurus.com)
- Thursday Tidbits: Peace in Relationship and Dystopia (kmhubersblog.com)