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We Can Make a Difference–Right Here, Right Now



“Peace is not something you wish for, it something you make, something you do, something you are, something you give away.”–Robert Fulghum

In an effort to actively do something to create more peace in the world in 2013, I am dedicating a number of my posts specifically to peace. I invite you to join me. We can call ourselves “Bloggers for Peace.” Everyone is invited to join. The requirements are simple and flexible.

  • Devote at least one post a month to/for/about peace. If you write poems or fiction, write a piece about peace. If you take photos, post a photo or gallery that reflects, symbolizes, defines, or creates peace. If you write rants, rant at something that disturbs the peace or rant about something that promotes peace. If you are into zen, post a blank white page. If you are an artist…you get the idea. Feel free to be creative. Peace has no boundaries. There are no mistakes. We have no enemies.
  • Put a “Bloggers for Peace” badge on your blog. Put it anywhere on your blog–in the post, on your “about” page, as an image widget on your menu bar (feel free to link the badge to this page with “click here to join”), on your “awards” page, on your avatar page, or get a tattoo on your chest.forpeace6
  • Link your post to at least one other post from a different Blogger for Peace. circle hugHopefully, this will create a symbiotic synergy that will inspire others to create art/poetry/prose/photos/love on their posts about peace. You might also want to add the tag “B4Peace” to your post. This will also be a great way to get to know other Bloggers for Peace. I envision a virtual circle of us all holding hands in solidarity for peace.
  • Put instructions on your post for others to join the group or link back to this post. This will help grow the movement. Can you imagine if we get enough bloggers to join so we can have a post on peace everyday? Imagine the impact we could make if everyday the internet would have some new creativity/energy/emotion/positive vibration about peace. Imagine if we linked all these posts together to create a web of peace and positive energy. “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one…”

Thanks to the brilliant Dianne Gray, we will also have an end of the year party to celebrate our “Peace Achievements.” Details to follow.

If you tag your post “B4Peace,” I will be scanning the posts and re-blogging posts on Everyday Gurus.

Please feel free to share this idea with anyone and everyone.peace

Thank you for reading, sharing, and/or smiling.

Special Thanks goes to the incredible Rarasaur   for making the Bloggers for Peace badge, logos, and banner. {{{Hugs}}}

If anyone wants to tweet about this, I’m @everydaygurus. For tweets and instagram let’s use the hashtag–#B4Peace. I like the puns on “BE for Peace” and “Before Peace.”

We just created a Bloggers for Peace Facebook Page. Come check us out.

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